Challenges With Time-Based Pricing

Time-based pricing is the most common way professional service firms charge for their services.  A case can be made for this method of pricing but that is not my purpose in this post.  What I would like to share are my thoughts about are some of the challenges I see with this method of pricing and how it has negatively impacted firms more than their clients. Continue reading “Challenges With Time-Based Pricing”

The Inevitability of Outsourcing

For several years I have been expressing the view that outsourcing abroad some of the less valuable aspects of compliance services is (or should be) an inevitability.  I still firmly believe that will happen but I can’t help being amazed at the resistance that is being shown to it from (some) professional accounting bodies, governments and most firms. Continue reading “The Inevitability of Outsourcing”

A question we should ask ourselves

In a couple of days I go to Las Vegas to participate in our Members Annual Conference.  I’m presenting a session I’ve called “It all starts with a conversation.”  The theme of the session is that as advisers our job is to effect change for the good by helping our clients achieve the full potential of their business.  A key element of that process is the way we construct and deliver dialog i.e. the conversation. Continue reading “A question we should ask ourselves”

Would you like to combine a week skiing in the Sierras with a strategic planning retreat?

I have a house at South Lake Tahoe at the foot of the Heavenly Ski Resort and there is room for just 5 people (bunk style) to join me for a week of work and fun.  The work part will be the development of your business plan for 2010.  This will be the serious part of the week and we’ll work on that as a group from 2pm to 7pm, Monday through Friday.  In the mornings we’ll ski or chill any way you like. Continue reading “Would you like to combine a week skiing in the Sierras with a strategic planning retreat?”

Talent is not enough

Selling is simply something we all do to get other people to do what we’d like them to do either for your gratification or theirs.  If your primary purpose is “your” gratification you will not achieve much success as a salesperson.  On the other hand if you are motivated by a desire to help people you won’t achieve much unless you’re a success as a salesperson. Continue reading “Talent is not enough”

Focus on your strengths

I’ve been working on the leadership component of the new Boot Camp program and have given it a major re-work because I believe that leadership is the principal success driver in any organization.  Anyway, one of the things I really want to emphasize is the need for people to focus on their strengths rather than their weaknesses.  This may seem counter-intuitive but it makes all the sense in the world. Continue reading “Focus on your strengths”

Success, goals and perserverence

There’s a dog race that starts in early March at Anchorage and ends in Nome.  It’s called the Iditarod and is described as the last great race in the world.  Typically 70-90 mushers enter with a team of 14-16 dogs.  The race is run over 1,100 miles (1,830 kms), takes between 9 to 29 days to complete and was first held in 1973 to celebrate the heroic performance of a group of mushers who delivered serum to Nome in 1925 to combat a diphtheria epidemic that was killing kids. Continue reading “Success, goals and perserverence”

What We Can Learn From A Carwash Cafe

I have just been asked what I’ve been up to — I have been very quite on the blogging front lately … here’s why. I’ve been totally re-writing the Boot Camp content to make it more focused on a program that will help you and your team get real results for your clients and your firm.  Keep your eye on this spot for more details.

In the meantime, my colleague Mark James sent me a summary of an experience watching the 4 ways to grow your business be executed by a business in Sydney recently.  I thought it would make an excellent “guest blog” entry so here it is, it is something you could share with your clients to let them know that even in these tough times opportunities to run a better business are everywhere. Continue reading “What We Can Learn From A Carwash Cafe”