The $50k Question

You’ve got to be in it to win it.  By that I mean if you want to grow your business you must, I repeat must, get out from behind your desk and talk to people. And one great way to do that is to have conversations with clients about things that are not directly associated with the typical stuff that accountants do.

I believe GamePlan and our Business Development Questionnaire are the world’s best conversation starters that have ever been created. They are therefore the most effective marketing tools that have ever been built for accountants who want to help people build better businesses. WOW now that’s really an un-humble statement but it’s one I make because I know it to be true.

Listen to this conversation snippet we recently had with a member who was talking about a meeting he had with a group of prospective clients. He referred to a couple of questions that got a conversation going that ultimately led to a $50k engagement. If you set up the circumstances to have this type of conversation 12 times a year–that is just 1 a month. And just 2 “prospects” saw the value in what you could do for them would not that add $100k to your revenue, not to mention the referral value, the professional positioning value, the sense of accomplishment value and the “just-pure-fun” value from working with engaged clients.